Comments on: My Dairy-Free, Wheat-Free, Nut-Free, Low Oxalate, Low Carb, Paleo Diet – EGADS! Hope and Healing on the Low Oxalate Diet Mon, 26 Oct 2015 01:18:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Heidi Mon, 03 Jun 2013 02:09:17 +0000 Hi, Kym.
Yes, I too find that socializing is one of the hardest challenges of being on a special diet, especially since food is often the centerpiece of the gathering. I often eat right before or right after going to a party, so I don’t have to worry about being able to fill up on the offered food. That way I can eat the one or two things offered that fit my diet and enjoy being out, but not worry that I’m going to be too hungry to deal with people. I also find that it’s pretty easy to bring your own food to a casual gathering and have done it many times. Some people might be a little put off by it at first, but many will support you and your effort to stay healthy. And after awhile people just get used to you always bringing your own food. Two other things that can work are offering to bring a dish to the party, so you have at least one thing to eat, or packing something to supplement what others bring. For example, you might be able to eat a salad at a dinner party, but not the dressing. Pulling out your own small container of dressing or beans to supplement the salad might be easier than bringing your own full dinner. At a formal or semi-formal sit-down dinner party, however, bringing your own food isn’t good form. You might get away again with the dressing in your purse, but after that you probably need to eat before the party and not eat during the actual gathering. I’ve done this at weddings before and only a few people commented on it, mostly from curiosity not from thinking I was crazy (especially since I kept my explanation very short!).
Hope this helps and good luck.

By: Kym Sun, 02 Jun 2013 22:40:25 +0000 Hi- nice to find fellow oddballs!
I’m wheat free
dairy free
sugar free
soy free
meat free….had to give up on the low carb! So basically I’m vegan I allow a small amount of nuts for extra protein.
I can manage at home and work. Eating out is tricky, but my biggest problem is eating at a dinner party.
I’m just too hard…and people don’t like me suggesting I bring my own food (?) .
How do you all cope with socialising?

By: Heidi Sun, 07 Apr 2013 22:17:34 +0000 You’re welcome, Therese. And I definitely will keep you updated.

By: Heidi Sun, 07 Apr 2013 22:17:05 +0000 Thanks, Cindy.
I use ghee to cook my eggs and really like it. I’m looking forward to experimenting with it this summer. And you are right. As soon as I adjust my attitude I’m sure I’ll have a much easier time finding yummy, dairy-free foods. Right now, I’m be gentle with myself and am letting myself grieve because it seems to be what I need. I’ve been fully dairy-free for three days now and feeling okay about it, so I imagine that attitude change is already in the works.

That’s great that you are feeling better. I hope you continue to heal quickly and well.

By: Heidi Sat, 06 Apr 2013 03:09:12 +0000 Thanks, Michelle. I had this once before and really liked it. I am definitely going to get some again. Thanks for reminding me of it! I think it could replace milk or cream in a lot of baked dishes, and I bet it makes a killer coconut curry.

By: Heidi Sat, 06 Apr 2013 03:02:36 +0000 Thanks for your comments and support, Patricia. Unfortunately, I have an allergy to the milk protein, not a lactose intolerance, so all dairy except ghee is out for me–at least during the allergy season. My allergist seems to think I should be able to tolerate small amounts of dairy in the winter when my environmental allergies aren’t going nuts, so I’m looking forward to my ice cream then! Also, there’s a possibility if I ever get this gut healed, that the milk allergy will disappear. Here’s hoping! Guess this summer though I’m going to have to stick with my Banana Paleo ice cream (which is still pretty dang good.)

By: Patricia Fri, 05 Apr 2013 11:12:19 +0000 Hi Heidi
I forgot to mention this to you in my last post. Get Lactaid pills which you can find in any drug store. They came out sometime in the 1990 and have nothing in them that can harm you. It helps the stomach digest dairy. Of course you can’t go on a dairy bindge, but they work for me if I am at a restaurant and can’t turn down a dairy desert or an occasional piece of pizza. Also they are really inexpensive.

By: Patricia Thu, 04 Apr 2013 21:45:31 +0000 Sorry to hear about becoming lactose intolerant. I was diagnosed with dairy intolerance in 1990. At least now you can find lactaid milk and Bryers Ice cream makes a lactose intolerant Ice Cream. Not sure what part of the country you live in, but see if your grocery store carries Bryers ice cream. Yoplait just came out with dairy free yogurt. So besides my lactose intolerance last December my urologist told me I had to go on a low oxalate diet. At this point I was realllllly upset. I have become obsessed on knowing what low oxalate foods I can and cannot eat. It seems that my choices are limited and it is really difficult to go out to a restaurant to eat, but I’m adjusting and have become really good at coming up with tasty meals that my husband will eat. And I’ve discovered Bob’s Gluten Free products. I’ve come up with menus that even my husband likes.

By: Michelle Wed, 03 Apr 2013 22:58:12 +0000 Hi Heidi,

I wanted to share a product with you that I discovered just today before reading your post. I thought it may be helpful to you. Organic Creamed Coconut By “Lets Do…Organic”
Haven’t tried it yet, but thought it looked like a good idea.

Thanks for all your freat posts. Good luck with going wheat free and dairy free!!


By: Cindy Wed, 03 Apr 2013 16:28:27 +0000 Even if you have an allergy to dairy you should still be able to have Ghee. Ghee is butter with the milk solids removed and it’s very simple to do. You tube has several videos.Try to find butter from grassfed animals. You can find Ghee already in a jar but it’s more expensive.
Your diet is still pretty good. I have been on a candida diet, which is all meat, fat and low carb veggies.Period. Add to that a diet for Interstitial Cystitis so nothing with acid,high vitamin C many spices, etc. and the low oxylates and you have really knocked the heck out of my diet. I started to have MAJOR vulvodynia flares with the candida diet not realizing the oxalate problems and having to give up my whole raw goat milk and since I started taking cal/mag with meals, that has been helped tremendously.
We don’t eat out a lot anyway mainly because it’s garbage compared to the organic pasture raised meats we have at home but when we do, it’s steak or some kind of meat with no seasoning added, salad with usually cucumber if they have it and plain if they don’t and if there is no olive oil the salad is eaten with a little salt and pepper and a vegetable with the cal/mag supplement. When we are with family, we usually see what they have that I can eat or bring our own or go out.
I was so sick from candida that I wasn’t that upset with this diet because pain is a pretty big motivator and once my gut is healed, many of my problems should be gone if not all so I don’t see it as forever and when I had to start the candida diet instead of going through all the stuff I did when I had to go in the IC diet, I changed my mind set right away to, it’s just fuel for my body. Period. Do what you can to make it taste good , eat slow and enjoy every bite and understand it’s just fuel for the body. I have never thought of food as comfort so I don’t have that problem. Feeling sorry for your self never changes a thing and wastes a lot of energy that is best put to healing your body.
I have a long way to go yet for healing but I am doing better than I was a year ago. It’s all in your mind, change your mindset and you will be a lot happier for it. By the way, if you focus on healing your gut eventually you will be able to eat what you can’t have now. You can’t have it now because of leaky gut. You would benefit from the candida diet/low oxalate a great deal but it is even more resrictive. Food is very powerful. It can make you very sick or it can heal you. I see it as my medicine now. It is healing me.
