Turnip carrot mash is the first recipe in my new series of simple family side dishes. I’m on a kick to really increase my sons’ intake of fruits and veggies, so I’m trying a lot of new combinations and kid-approved recipes that I’ve found in kid’s cookbooks and on-line. I hope that by having my boys help me pick out some of the recipes, help buy the groceries and help prepare the veggie and fruit dishes, they will at least try and maybe eat a little of the dish. If the recipe looks like it might be useful for other families even if my kids don’t like it, I’ll go ahead and post it, too–my big experiment. So, keeping with the theme of simple here’s the recipe for turnip carrot mash and a fun turnip fact which might make your kids more willing to try turnips. It sure did mine!
Fun Turnip Fact: Jack-o-lanterns were traditionally carved out of turnips rather than pumpkins–a custom that is still practiced in Ireland and parts of Europe (see my fun picture.)
Turnip Carrot Mash
4 medium turnips, peeled and cut into cubes 4 carrots, peeled and sliced into rounds
2 tablespoons olive oil, butter or ghee (optional)
dash of salt (optional)
Put the turnips and carrots in a saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil. Cook until the turnips and carrots are tender. Drain the water and mash. Add olive oil or butter.
Makes about 6 – 8 half cup servings depending on how big your carrot or turnips are.
My Family’s Verdict: C ate his entire serving of turnip carrot mash. A ate two small bites. Success! I personally liked the way the sweetness of the carrot took away some of the usual bitterness of plain mashed turnips. I added a little white pepper and thyme to mine and it tasted decent — simple and satisfying. If you eat cream or milk, you could also try adding a half cup or so to make the dish creamier.
Low Oxalate Info: Boiled carrots, turnips, butter and olive oil are low oxalate. If you make this with 2 cups turnips, 1 1/2 cups carrots and 2 T olive oil you’ll end up with 6 servings with about 3.8 mg. oxalate per serving.
Other Diets: Turnip Carrot Mash may also be appropriate for vegan, vegetarian,dairy-free, GFCF, Paleo and GAPS diets.
Thanks to Darwin Bell and Somewhere in the World for the pics!
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